Missouri Community Forestry Annual Conference Agenda
August 21-23, 2024
Wednesday, August 21
10:00am - Onsite registration is open in the Tiger Hotel lobby
1:00pm - Sarah Crowder, MCFC Chair & Barbara Buffaloe, Columbia Mayor - Conference Welcome
1:30pm - Jad Daley, American Forests - Let's Deliver Tree Equity for Health Equity
2:30pm - Dr. Geoffrey Donovan, USDA Forest Service - Preventing Crime and Solving Mysteries with Trees
3:30pm - Exhibitor Introduction & Break with Exhibitors
4:00pm - Hannah Milos, USDA Forest Service - The "You" in Urban and Community Forestry
5:00pm - Evening Social with Exhibitors
Thursday, August 22
Concurrent Session 1
8:00am - Dr. Geoffrey Donovan, USDA Forest Service - New Measurement Technologies
9:00am - Danielle Fox, City of Columbia - Authentic Engagement: The Road to Resilience Through Equity
10:00am - Break with Exhibitors
10:30am - Hank Stelzer, Blair Crosby, & Sam Wright, Mizzou - The Legacy Oaks of the Francis Quadrangle: The Rejuvenation and Management of UM's Iconic Landscape Trees
Concurrent Session 2
8:00am - Chris Rippey, Missouri Arborist Company - Using Sonic Tomography Imaging to Justify Retaining Old and Rotten Trees
9:00am - Josh Shroyer, FlamingTree Solutions - Utilizing Drones, Multispectral Imaging, and LiDAR to Bolster Your Tree Inventory
10:00am - Break with Exhibitors
10:30am - Stephen Bybee, Missouri Conservation Corps - Engaging the Community to Care for our Habitat
11:15am - Ashley Williamson, The Giving Grove - Cultivating Collaboration: Ensuring the Longevity of Community Orchards
12:00pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Carol Davit, Missouri Prairie Foundation; Billy Haag, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri & Ann Koenig, Missouri Department of Conservation - Pear Buyback Program
2:00pm - Bill Reininger, Tower Grove Park & Neil Eisenberger, The Lamar Johnson Collaborative - If this Stream Could Talk
3:00pm - Break with Exhibitors
3:30pm - Josh Behounek, Davey Resource Group - Branching Out: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Arboriculture and Urban Forestry
4:30pm - Jason Jensen, Missouri Department of Conservation - Missouri Department of Conservation Update
6:00pm - Awards Banquet at the State Historical Society of Missouri
Friday, August 23
8:00am - Meridith McAvoy Perkins, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri & Sarah Crowder, Bridging the Gap - Sharing our Progress: Program and Initiative Updates from Kansas City to St. Louis
9:00am - Brett O'Brien - Strategies and Ideas Toward Achieving Growth and Optimal Long-Term Survivability of Urban Trees Planted in Sidewalk Tree Wells
10:00am - Break with Exhibitors
10:30am - Missouri Tree Board Panel - Moderated by Ann Koenig, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:30am - Jacob McMains, Conference Chair - Final Remarks
12:00pm - Conference Adjourns